I mailed my payment check several days before the end of the month, why did I still get a late fee?

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  4. I mailed my payment check several days before the end of the month, why did I still get a late fee?

I mailed my payment check several days before the end of the month, why did I still get a late fee?

I mailed my payment check several days before the end of the month, why did I still get a late fee?

Envié mi cheque de pago varios días antes de fin de mes, ¿por qué todavía recibí un arancel por mora?


Please allow 10 business days for checks to arrive by mail and  be processed. If time does not allow, please take advantage of other payment options available.

Pay Online:

Visit our site to pay your hassle free!

Pay by phone:

Make a payment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (excluding major holidays) by calling 1-866-729-5327, Option 1. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and electronic check. A small convenience fee will be charged by the merchant (3.25%) to pay by debit or credit card, or a $2.99 flat fee will be incurred if you choose to pay by e-check.

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