How to Switch your HOA Management Company
Each fall, homeowners associations across the nation vote on issues regarding the upcoming year. Fall is also the time of year when many HOA management contracts expire and are up for renewal. If your HOA management contract is up for renewal, this is an excellent time to stop and assess your management situation.
Every day we get phone calls and emails from HOA board members who are frustrated with their current management companies for various reasons. They’ve been with one HOA management company for years, and have watched their service deteriorate over time until it’s finally gotten to a point where they are ready to make a change.
Are you getting the level of service you need from your HOA management company? The vast majority of America’s community associations do not have a professional HOA management company. If your association is self-managed, this is a great opportunity to look at what you stand to gain by retaining the services of a trusted community association management company.
Qualities to Look For When Switching HOA Management Companies
Perhaps one of the greatest and most obvious advantages of hiring a professional property manager is access to the wealth of knowledge and experience they have to offer. Experienced property managers can guide a board of directors through their decision-making process and help to make sound business decisions. What’s the level of experience within your community leadership? Perhaps you already have experienced homeowners on your board. If not, you may want to consider the benefits that an experienced property manager can bring to the table.
HOA management companies are also a big help when it comes to association financials. Budgeting, collecting dues, and working with collections agencies are all part of the management process. An HOA management company collects funds when a homeowner is delinquent on dues, and should work with the board to create a policy on collecting late assessments. Liens and foreclosures often require working with banks and attorneys—another job for the management. Is your HOA management company adept at association financials? Are their reports accurate and easy to read? If not, take this into consideration.
If your association is self-managed, then you will want to assess its financial ability in the same way. Are dues and late fees assessed correctly? Most importantly, is your association allocating adequate funds into reserves? A quality HOA manager will work with reserve specialists and committee members to determine an adequate amount of reserve funding.
Without this preparation, what will your association do when it’s time for a major repair or replacement, such as re-paving the roads or replacing roofs? Staying on top of maintenance issues is a must when managing a planned community. This can prove difficult for larger communities or those with substantial common property. The quality of maintenance is often a benchmark for not only the vendors, but the management as well. Anyone with eyes can determine the physical condition of the community; it can be painfully obvious when maintenance work isn’t done right, or in some cases, isn’t done at all.
How are maintenance issues handled at your community? Are work orders issued in a timely manner, or does it take weeks to complete even the most basic of repairs? Nearly all professional HOA management companies have a list of vendors that they use on a regular basis. These include landscapers, insurance companies, general contractors, and maintenance companies. This means that you don’t have to take a chance on hiring a vendor that may not be able to deliver; your HOA management company has already done the screening process for you.
Signs It Might Be Time to Change Your HOA Management
There are several significant issues that HOA board members usually encounter when dealing with a sub-par HOA management company.
Poor communication is one factor that weakens the relationship between an HOA and their management company. We hear from HOAs all the time who say their community manager fails to return their phone calls or reply to their emails quickly. They leave a message for the community manager, but it takes several days for them to respond, if they respond at all. Homeowners and vendors have the same experience. When it comes to the management of a homeowner’s association, communication is key. A quality management company will always strive to keep an open line of communication with its clients.
In some cases, the HOA’s community manager fails to complete projects. Whether the board has asked for a street light to be replaced, a water leak to be investigated, or bids from a new landscaper, it seems the community manager is continually putting off projects. The board ends up feeling stuck as they repeatedly bring up these concerns without making any progress.
Another common complaint we hear from board members about their HOA management company is that compliance drives or walks aren’t being done consistently, violation letters are being sent to the wrong homes, or the management company isn’t handling compliance in the way that the board has asked.
Additionally, we often hear from board members that they can’t access the HOA’s financial reports online and on demand. We hear from boards that are getting incomplete financial documents; some boards request these reports and never receive them.
Consistent Community Managers
Besides the general difficulties outlined above, one of the most frequent complaints we get from HOA management clients who call our office looking for a bid is that they had a great community manager, but then their management company gave them a new person, and then another person, and the current community manager isn’t measuring up.
Community managers can make or break an HOA management company. They are what separate the good companies from the less-than-stellar ones. They can make a board member’s experience positive or negative. They are the reason you love the company you’re with, are barely tolerating them, or can’t wait to switch. Ultimately, there are several important differences between a great community manager and one that’s mediocre at best.
Responsiveness is a key characteristic to look for in your community manager. First-rate community managers know that customer service largely comes down to responsiveness. They return emails immediately; they answer their phone and/or return phone calls; they want to get people the answers they need.
A great community manager also cares about their communities. They want their communities to look good, be safe, and for homeowners, board members, and vendors to all have good relationships with each other. They get upset by the same things that upset board members or homeowners.
Your community manager should also defuse situations instead of escalating them. Ideally, they go into every situation trying to defuse any tension, anger, or frustration that might exist. They know how to put people at ease, and help them realize that their HOA or HOA management company isn’t out to get them. They strive to help the board lead their community in a way that creates trust, confidence, and goodwill with homeowners rather than an adversarial relationship.
Training also factors into the effectiveness of your community manager. Excellent community managers can answer common questions from homeowners and board members. They aren’t novices; they’ve studied local laws and have some experience under their belts. No one knows all the answers, but a good community manager knows where to go and who to ask if they don’t have the answer.
Your community manager should be working full-time. Some HOA management companies use part-time employees as community managers, but a part-time schedule doesn’t provide enough time for the community manager and HOA board to accomplish necessary tasks efficiently.
Finally, your community manager should enjoy their job. Great community managers work for great companies; they quit from companies that overload them and have an unhealthy work environment. If you know of several community managers who have left your management company, it’s likely that the employees aren’t to blame.
Terminating Your Current HOA Management Contract
Are you on the Board of Directors for your homeowners association? Is your HOA overseen by a professional HOA management company? If you answered yes to both of these questions, then you should have a copy of your current management agreement between the association and your HOA management company. This contract holds vital information necessary for properly managing your homeowners association, including how to terminate the contract.
As the end of the year approaches, many HOA management contracts expire and/or come up for renewal. Don’t miss your opportunity to make a needed change in management! Request a copy of your management contract and carefully review it with members of your Board of Directors, in order to explore what your options are when it comes to terminating your management agreement.
It’s important to take the length of the contract into consideration. Determine how long the contract lasts. Is it one year, two years, or three years? If the contract automatically renews (also called “keystone”), what are the time periods that it automatically renews for?
If your HOA wishes to terminate the contract with their current company, you’ll need to find out what stipulations exist for being released from the contract. Will you have to give 30 days’ notice, 60 days’ notice, or 90 days’ notice? Do you need to give notice 30 days’ before the effective date? If so, it’s important for all board members to be aware of the effective date of the contract. Furthermore, does your notice have to be given by regular mail or certified mail?
You’ll also want to establish whether there are any termination penalties involved with being released from the contract early. Will remaining management fees need to be paid out in the case of early termination?
Knowing the exact language in your HOA management contract will help your board members make better decisions regarding their association. Consult with your HOA management company or your HOA attorney for more helpful tips on reviewing your HOA management contract.
No homeowners association should be paying their management company for incompetence and unresponsiveness. Being able to spot key differences between high-quality and low-quality community managers and HOA management companies will help you and your HOA make the right choice for your community’s needs, whether that decision involves keeping your current HOA management company or not.
Unclear about exactly what records must be returned to the HOA,especially financial records.
Hi Jay
I am not exactly sure what records you are speaking of. You can request association records from your association, but won’t receive anything specific to other owner accounts. Hope this helps some. Have a nice day
We hired one h.O.a. company and approx. three months they gave our community to a diff. Company with little to no experience in condo management the company background is with apt.Annabel
I need help with getting the current incompetent and unresponsive hoa mgmt company out and a respectable hoa mgmt company in.
Feel free to contact us at we look forward to speaking with you
Our HOA is currently controled by the home builder but will be turned over to the home owners in the next 3 months. We need to organize a board and everything else required. Can you supply us with any information about how to make this transition. Also would your company be interested in managing a HOA in Covington, LA?
Our current H.O.A. Company was assigned by the Developers and are everything that was mentioned on being incompetent. Homeowners are very unhappy. Developers are about to transfer the community over to H.O.A. We’re at 75%.There’s only one Homeowner on the board. So far H.O.A. has switched from one team to the next and still fits the category of being incompetent if not worse. In the process of a Do over for the nomination of the remaining seats that are to be filled by the homeowners. This due to the previous team giving only 28 days for the first nomination. Now we have to wait an additional 30days. Common areas are looking bad Etc.
As a home owner I have looked through all of my closing document’s, can’t find a homeowners agreement anywhere, the only thing that is remotely connected to home owners association is the explanation of payment of 591.00 for one year. I have nothing that stipulates any by laws that is stipulated for the neighborhood. This seams odd to me should I not have a contract with my signature agreeing to its terms and conditions.
I would love to dump our property management company, but the only way to communicate with the board is through the property manager, and the board won’t hold meetings without the property manager present. Our particular manager is a horrible bully and does nothing but make promises that aren’t kept. The community has deteriorated since she’s been in charge of it.
I am one of many owners of a condo complex (not high-rise) that has been poorly managed by a voted in part time manager. This manager has been managing the property now for 11 years. Our property has greatly deteriorated, making the appearance of the complex looking substantially bad! If anyone has a complaint or an issue, they call a number only to leave a message. The manager takes their time to answer or get back with that individual sometimes! Board members are not very enthusiastic people and do nothing about this. There are many delinquent dues and the landscape just looks outright awful! As a homeowner, I would like some information on how to replace our manager, is it legal, and what our options are to better and beautify our complex community. I would honestly give this complex about another 10 years before they become legally condemned. Is there anyone to help us, and is it affordable to hire someone to manage our condominium community?
I am unable to refinance my home loan because my HOA is currently in litigation over fees on a foreclosure. I am on a fixed income, have great credit, and have lived here for 30 yrs. The litigation has nothing to do with me.
Our board of director hire an outside management company with out our vote or input. Is that legal?
Isn’t it a community management company responsibility to inform residents when their contract ends and begins? I’m asking because many residents wondered why they weren’t notified by their community management company their contract was being renewed.
What financial records are required to be handed over to the board when an HOA company ceases providing service? Ie… during our transition period the new management company is asking for our digital records (old company used SAGE) but a digital document were not provided to our community of our financial records. During the termination process shouldn’t the old management company be required to provide those digital documents? Specifically for tax reason are they required to hold on to them for that calendar year? What if the company refuses to provide us with our records?
Matt it depends on what state you’re in. If you are in California here are two links that may help you:
My board members were hired on without a quorum and the current board members were told to stay home by the management company. Then when questioned about it they said they could do what ever they wanted. Now it’s been two years and they refuse to hold a meeting to hire new board members saying the people on the board don’t need to leave. Communication is horrible.
Our board members no nothing about what they should do they don’t have meetings and everything is a big secret and one of them owes back dues and has had a lean put on there property, not someone that needs to be in charge of anything. Who do we fire all of them and hire a management conpany
Iowa. Ankeny . We as home owners are dealing with the same situation. This is a crime. Stealing monies and doing what they want to.
Expose this crrouption.
Seems like every time I come back to your website you have a new interesting thing for me to read. How do you stay so motivated? Do you research all of these posts before posting?
Hi Matt,
Yes, we have a monthly content calendar and research our topics each month! We are eager to share our posts and educate HOA board members!
Our community wants to fire our HOA company. What steps and actions do we need to take in order to do this?
My hoa management company keep increasing our annual hoa fees yearly but we still dont have any amenities in the community, some home owners has repeatedly refused to pay their fees and continued to intentionally violate rules and there is no action from management. What can or could the members do to get this madness under control
My HOA management company has been the worst at communicating with me, for two years I haven’t been able to speak to my community manager and his team. They say that it’s impossible to disclose the name of my boards members either, I cannot get anything done that need to be done. What should I do?
This blog has a really informative content related to HOA Management Company. Thanks for sharing this article.