
Crime Prevention Tips for Your HOA


Crime can happen anywhere, at any time, so it’s important to stay vigilant. While there are safety measures your association may take to deter crime, it’s crucial for each individual

Crime Prevention Tips for Your HOA2021-09-09T12:54:40-05:00

Can an HOA Accept Donations?


When running an HOA, there’s always a need for more funds. Even the most financially stable HOAs can always find ways to put more funds to good use. So, you

Can an HOA Accept Donations?2021-09-09T12:54:41-05:00

How to Avoid HOA Fraud


Here at Spectrum Association Management, we love helping our customers navigate every aspect of HOA management. One topic that doesn’t get talked about enough is how to protect your association’s

How to Avoid HOA Fraud2021-09-09T12:54:43-05:00

What is an HOA Estoppel?


Estoppel is a legal concept meaning that someone certifies the accuracy of certain facts as of a specified date. A lender or bank requires an estoppel letter or certificate from

What is an HOA Estoppel?2021-09-09T12:54:46-05:00

10 Tips for HOA Insurance


When you research insurance as a homeowner, your decision only impacts you and your family. However, when you research insurance as a board member, it impacts all your neighbors and

10 Tips for HOA Insurance2021-09-09T12:54:47-05:00

How to Change Your HOA Bylaws


Community associations are legal entities governed by bylaws and codes, covenants, and restrictions (also known as CC&Rs), which are enforced by an elected board of directors. It is the board’s

How to Change Your HOA Bylaws2021-09-09T12:54:53-05:00