When it comes to running a successful HOA community, communication is key. Even with their busy schedules, members appreciate and benefit from regular communication from the association. Not only does a regular newsletter keep homeowners informed about the goings-on of the HOA, but it can also go a long way in fostering a greater sense of unity within the community.

Tips for the Perfect Newsletter

  • Know your readership. A newsletter is only useful if the readers can connect to its message. When selecting the content, board members—or whomever is tasked with writing the newsletter—should be informed of the current state and happenings of the community and should have a working knowledge of HOA life. This will ensure that the included information is relevant and well received.
  • Consider Frequency. While members appreciate a regular newsletter, they don’t like to be constantly bombarded with HOA-related information. Newsletters should be delivered consistently, but they don’t necessarily need to be sent monthly. A quarterly newsletter may suffice for certain associations.
  • Keep it simple. Remember, homeowners lead busy lives. You’ll quickly lose readers with lengthy, wordy articles. Keep them short and to the point, including only what is essential for homeowners to know.
  • Don’t hassle. Long lists of rules and grievances can quickly deter readers from picking up or logging in to read their newsletter. The overall tone of the newsletter should be positive and encouraging.
  • Make it electronic. If your newsletter is going straight from residents’ mailboxes and into the trash with the rest of the junk mail, consider sending it via email and making it available on the association website.
  • Focus on format. Use the same logo and font to encourage unity and familiarity, but include differences in color, size, and thickness to provide contrast and catch the reader’s attention. Including a few photos and graphics can also help to make the newsletter more appealing.

Content Ideas

Not sure what to include in your newsletter? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Homeowners will appreciate the transparency of including updates from board meetings. Inform them of major decisions and issues, as well as relevant changes to the association, such as upcoming construction and special projects.
  • Newsletters should always include a calendar featuring upcoming events in the neighborhood, including social events, parties, and scheduled maintenance.
  • When it becomes necessary to gently remind residents of particular rules or regulations, putting it in the newsletter is an easy, non-confrontational way to get the word out without singling out individuals unnecessarily.
  • Local news that affects HOA members can be included in the newsletter to keep everyone informed and connected.
  • Homeowners may appreciate and benefit from practical seasonal tips such as how to maintain a greener lawn in the summer or save energy in the winter.
  • Using the newsletter platform to thank volunteers and recognize community members for their contributions is a great way to personalize the content and encourage all members to contribute to the greater good of the community.

Whatever their frequency or format, HOAs should never overlook the importance of providing members with a regular newsletter that enhances the sense of community and helps homeowners make the most of their membership.