Using SMART Goals for Proactive HOA Planning

With the holiday season kicking off and a new year fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about the best way to finish off existing projects and prepare to take your association to the next level in 2021. By proactively planning for the coming year in your HOA, the board can establish goals that lead to the success of their community.


Your community can greatly benefit from setting new goals, and while the new year is only weeks away, now is a good time to start thinking about what needs to be done.

Here are some common topics to consider for HOA resolutions/improvement:

    • Budget
      Perhaps the board wants to adhere to the budget more precisely, review contract prices, or build reserve funds.
    • Socialization
      Does your association need to create or improve committees, host more social events, or increase turnout?
    • Meetings
      Meeting efficiency, board education, and increased meeting attendance is always a front-runner when it comes to community resolutions.
    • Communication
      Is there an area for enhanced communication within your community? Does your association have a newsletter? Are eblasts scheduled? Do community flyers need to be printed?

When setting new goals for your association, consider implementing the SMART method. This method involves goals that encompass the following criteria:

  1. Is your goal SPECIFIC? Your goal should be clear and simple. Focus on it singularly.
  2. Is your goal MEASURABLE? Track the progress of an established goal by writing it down and communicating it to the membership in order to hold the board accountable and stay motivated.
  3. Is the goal ACHIEVABLE? Dream big, but keep in mind that goals should be achievable and within board control. And as always, make sure the goal falls within the scope of your role as a board member, your governing documents and the law.
  4. Is this goal RELEVANT? Create goals based in realistic results pertaining to your HOA and its governing documents. Check to be sure that the goal makes sense for your association at this time.
  5. Is this goal TIME-BASED? Decide if this is a short-term or long-term goal. Prioritize goals with set deadlines that can be reached within a designated timeframe.


With the SMART method, setting goals for your HOA is piece of cake! Just remember to keep goals specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based! By following these simple steps, your HOA can proactively plan for a productive and successful year ahead.