With spring graduation and summer break right around the corner, we’re excited to share some tips to help you draw members to your HOA amenities. The purpose of these amenities is to encourage homeowners to socialize and build a stronger sense of community through fun activities and events. Your HOA’s amenities already offer a convenient locale that’s pleasant to visit for its own sake, whether your HOA boasts walking trails, a playground, or a resort-style pool.
By following the below tips, you can get even more out of the common areas that the HOA is working hard to maintain and make enjoyable.
Host community meetings and social events at the common area.
Whether you’re holding a board meeting at the clubhouse down the street or hosting a children’s summer scavenger hunt at the park, your HOA’s amenities are the perfect place for community functions. You can also schedule regular semi-annual town hall meetings, where homeowners can ask board members questions and learn more about the community in a casual setting.
Your insurance broker will be able to tell you if your HOA has the appropriate coverage levels to hold events. If you don’t, your broker can also help you modify your plan.
Create reoccurring community clubs that meet at your amenity center.
Active groups can jog the walking trails or do yoga in the park. A book club can be hosted at the clubhouse, and a children’s summer swim team can meet at the pool. Groups like these are a great way to increase homeowners’ use of the great community facilities provided to them!
Some of these clubs can also be educational; homeowners can host tutoring in various subjects, cooking lessons, and sewing or knitting classes. Group guitar or sketching lessons could also be a fun idea!
Just keep in mind that the insurance coverage needed for social events would apply to reoccurring clubs as well.
Think proactively when creating the amenities schedule.
In determining when the common areas will be open and when they will be closed, keep in mind the work schedules of homeowners and the busiest times of the various amenities. For instance, if the pool closes at 6:00 p.m. each night, many homeowners will only be able to take advantage of this community asset during the weekend.
Host outside children’s groups.
Many community children may be members of various organizations, such as Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. If your association has an under-used clubhouse, you may offer use of it to local troops. This would be a great way to do good in your community, and it would make life easier for a lot of parents who wouldn’t have to drive their children to meetings.
To be on the safe side, when allowing outside organization to use your facilities as a meeting place, remember to have the group provide a certificate of insurance (COI) to show that they have the appropriate coverage to host events.
Communicate your plans.
Ensure your homeowners are aware of upcoming events by emailing party invitations and club solicitations. Post upcoming events to bulletin boards and community marquee signs. Include monthly event calendars on your website or in your community’s newsletter to keep everyone in the loop. Don’t forget to plan rain dates for outdoor events to stay ahead of the weather and to send reminders to increase participation.
Think green.
With all the activity at your HOA amenities, a lot of natural resources will be used up! To help prevent higher utility costs and keep your association’s footprint small, consider looking into automatic sink faucets, fluorescent lighting, and hand dryers. You can also think about adding recycle bins to the park and clubhouse to avoid extra waste from parties and events.
Thanks for joining us for our latest HOA tips. We hope they have sparked your creativity and will help you get your summer off to a roaring start! As soon as school gets out, families will have more time for fun, and an engaging community activity could be just what your homeowners are looking for.