What is an ACC, and What Do They Do?

In any successful HOA, it’s important that architectural changes adhere to the standards and aesthetics of the community. In a smaller association, this responsibility is often fulfilled by board members. However, in larger associations with numerous properties and property owners, a special committee, referred to as the Architectural Control Committee (ACC), handles this task.


It may also be called the Design Review Committee, Environmental Control Committee, or the Architectural Review Committee.

ACC Responsibilities

The ACC will always base their decisions on the guidelines set forth in the association’s governing documents. While the scope of authority may vary among homeowners’ associations, the committee’s responsibilities usually include the following:

Identifying Violations – this includes regularly monitoring the association for violations of the community’s specified architectural guidelines.

Enforcement – the ACC is tasked with enforcing the standards set forth in the governing documents when violations are discovered or new plans are submitted.

Evaluation – the committee is responsible for making regular assessments of current regulations and giving recommendations to the board for changes as needed.

Education – homeowners should receive regular, clear, and updated information from the ACC on architectural guidelines, as well as timely application and approval status updates.


Applications/Approval Process

To make changes or improvements to the outside of their property, a homeowner can expect to work with the ACC in a simple three-step process:

  1. Apply

Proposed changes should first be submitted to the ACC by the homeowner. This can be anything from a simple letter written to the committee, and may include pictures, permits, surveys, and detailed architectural plans.

  1. Review

The architectural committee will hold regular meeting to carefully review submitted proposals. The committee members’ fiduciary duty ensures that each application is reviewed fairly by following the guidelines set forth in the governing documents.

  1. Decision

Once a decision is reached, the ACC submits their recommendation to the board of directors, and the final approval/disapproval is given within the time frame specified in the CC&Rs.


Although it may seem arduous for homeowners to go through the application process before making changes to their property, architectural committees are essential to maintaining the aesthetic integrity, property values, and overall success of the communities they serve.  For more information on HOA property management, contact Spectrum Association Management today.