Better Community

How to Avoid HOA Violations


HOA’s are responsible for protecting the property values of the community. To do this, the board must enforce certain rules and restrictions. While some may find this to be a

How to Avoid HOA Violations2021-09-09T12:54:31-05:00

Social Committees and Your HOA


Are you looking to increase engagement within your community? Or do you simply want to help create a community that your fellow homeowners love calling home? It can be difficult

Social Committees and Your HOA2023-09-19T09:30:32-05:00

Why HOAs Should Follow CDC Guidelines


In a recent article for Crisis Management Update, Employment Law Attorney Stephen Scott warned that businesses who ignore or misapply federal guidance on COVID-19 mitigation may be making a costly

Why HOAs Should Follow CDC Guidelines2021-09-09T12:54:39-05:00

Crime Prevention Tips for Your HOA


Crime can happen anywhere, at any time, so it’s important to stay vigilant. While there are safety measures your association may take to deter crime, it’s crucial for each individual

Crime Prevention Tips for Your HOA2021-09-09T12:54:40-05:00