Most HOAs we work with rely on the help of volunteers to keep their community running smoothly, and while a job well down is something to be proud of, a little recognition goes a long way. Since volunteers can save an HOA serious amounts of money, treating them well and offering recognition will encourage them and others to continue helping with small, and often thankless tasks around the community.

Here are our favorite ways to recognize and thank volunteers. Pick and choose what works for your community, but just make sure you do something to acknowledge their contribution.

  1. Send thank you notes.
  2. Recognize volunteers in community newsletters.
  3. Throw a community block party and ask volunteers to stand for recognition.
  4. Recognize volunteers with yard awards (thank you signs) that they can display for a few days.
  5. If someone is really going above and beyond, consider sending him or her a small token of appreciation like a gift card. Talk with the board and make sure everyone is in agreement, but when someone is exceptional, it’s important to acknowledge them!

Take advantage of people’s willingness to volunteer in your community, but be sure to acknowledge their contribution in a way that reflects what they are doing. When volunteers know their work is appreciated, they will keep helping and likely involve more volunteers. It’s a community win-win! If you have more questions about how to recognize your community volunteers, we are happy to help at Spectrum Association Management!