Spectrum Association Management has launched a Spanish version of the SpectrumAM website to better serve homeowners who speak Spanish. This product enhancement makes Spectrum’s HOA management services more accessible to all homeowners and offers a wider range of options for mid-size HOAs seeking to ensure all their homeowners receive the same access to their community’s benefits.

SpectrumAM is committed to making their services accessible to all homeowners and is proud to be one of the only mid-size companies in the HOA industry to bring multiple language options to their website.

Caring about customers means thinking through their experiences and trying to improve them, when possible. Saving homeowners the time, expense, and inconvenience of office visits through a Spanish website is exactly the type of win SpectrumAM wants to bring to their customers.

While the work of creating an all-inclusive service product is never complete, Spanish-speaking homeowners can now enjoy:

  • Increased information on how to pay bills, both online and through the phone
  • Information and FAQs about violations and how they work
  • Support for ordering and delivering resale disclosures
  • Access to information about amenities and gate access

To date, almost all of Spectrum’s website has been translated into Spanish, with plans to continue to translate pages as information is added to the website. Additionally, SpectrumAM continues its search for bilingual employees.

While SpectrumAM cannot commit to offering a Spanish equivalent for all of its goods and services at this time, it will continue to recognize the challenges customers face and work towards eliminating them. SpectrumAM’s focus is – and will always be – customer-centric.