While the damaging weather seems to be behind us, the water damage can continue to plague communities for months. Don’t let your community be lured into a false sense of security just because the floodwaters have receded. Previously wet flooring, sheet-rock, and furniture may appear dry on the surface, but there is a good chance mold will be an issue. Don’t let it go unnoticed, because if you do, it could develop into a real problem that affects not only your home, but also your health.

Take time as a board to share this checklist with residents to ensure mold is dealt with quickly and safely.

  1. Bring in big fans. The first thing homeowners want to do after flooding is to get everything as dry as possible. Some things like sheetrock or flooring may need to be removed because of water damage.
  2. Inspect for mold. Once everything is dry and badly damaged items removed, get a good flashlight and check for mold in the basement, bathrooms, walls, ceiling corners, the attic, crawl spaces and on windowsills. Also pay attention to any musty smells – that is usually a sign of mold.
  3. Clean it up! Most molds growing in homes aren’t dangerous and can be easily cleaned up without professional help. If the area you’re dealing with is around 10 square feet, use some strong soap/detergent like Concrobium Mold Control, to kill mold at the root. AVOID bleach! It is toxic and mold will likely come back.
  4. Know when to call in the professionals. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, mold gets out of hand. If you have excessive mold that covers a lot of space and surfaces, bring in someone with an IICRC certification—Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification.  Not everyone is qualified to do proper mold remediation, so make sure you do your research before hiring someone!

Anytime you have water damage, either from weather or broken pipes, homeowners need to make sure any mold is dealt with properly. If it goes unnoticed, homeowners can start to suffer health problems ranging from simple allergies, to more serious breathing and health trouble. If your community discovers a serious mold problem, encourage homeowners to talk with their doctor if they’ve been suffering headaches, sinusitis, sore throats, or other respiratory problems.

For board members looking for help managing their HOA community, contact Spectrum Association Management today!